SEATA 2019 Conference Registration
Delegate registration ($350 for government delegates/$550 for industry delegates) includes:
Guest registration ($125) includes:
Youth registration ($125) includes:
- Welcome Reception (adults only) - dinner, cocktails, and entertainment for the adults (Sunday)
- Breakfast each morning (Monday & Tuesday)
- General and Breakout Sessions (Monday & Tuesday)
- Luncheon for delegates (Monday)
- Closing Banquet (Tuesday evening)
Guest registration ($125) includes:
- Welcome Reception (adults only) - dinner, cocktails, and entertainment (Sunday)
- Breakfast each morning (Monday & Tuesday)
- Closing Banquet (Tuesday evening)
Youth registration ($125) includes:
- Youth Reception (Sunday evening)
- Breakfast each morning (Monday & Tuesday)
- Youth Closing Event (Tuesday evening)
Conference registration for delegates, guests, and youth can be completed in one submission using the online registration portal. Payment of all fees can be made via credit card or check. Checks should be made payable to SEATA and sent separately to Darrell Smith, SEATA Executive Director, at the address below:
Darrell Smith, Executive Director
Southeastern Association of Tax Administrators 3672 Overlook Drive Tallahassee, FL 32311-7863 |
If you are unable to register online, please complete the following forms.
Hotel reservations must be made separately.
- Conference Registration Form – Complete only if not registering online.
- Guest and Youth Information Form – Complete only if not registering online and have guest or youth attendees.
Hotel reservations must be made separately.