Tentative Youth Agenda
Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts offer a variety of activities for those of all ages. Its proximity to EPCOT, as well as all of Walt Disney World and the Orlando area, provides many options to explore the area and enjoy this part of central Florida. While the delegates and guests are at both the Sunday night opening reception and the Tuesday night closing reception and banquet, the registered youth (ages 4-17) will be enjoying their dinner and having fun at themed activities planned and fully chaperoned by Kid’s Nite Out at the Yacht Club Resort. In addition to great food, games and movies, there might even be a few surprise visitors joining them to make their night even more fun and exciting. Although there will be lots of activities for youth of all ages, if the older youth would prefer to join the adults on Sunday night at their opening reception, that's fine too. Just be sure to note that on their conference registration form. They will also have plenty of time on Monday and Tuesday, along with guests, to enjoy all the area has to offer. Please see the links to both Disney (Hotel Reservations) and Visit Orlando to find out about discounted park tickets, area theme parks, tours, transportation, restaurants, shopping and everything you need to know in order to make everyone’s stay a memorable one.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Monday, July 15, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019